We have reached the finals!

The process of arriving at one winner starts with a long “pitch” list. This list is based on companies nominated by entrepreneurs, municipalities, business associations, employees, friends and family from the field. A working group eventually selects the nominees and these companies present themselves to the jury. This year the jury consists of entrepreneurs Pieter Kooi, Marcella Ensel, last year’s winner Dries Wajer and is led by deputy Friso Douwstra.
After hearing all the approximately 7-minute pitches and questioning, the jury managed to select three companies that will advance to the finals: Megahout from Drachten, Movacolor from Sneek and Nedcam Solutions from Heerenveen.
Leading up to the finals on Tuesday, April 18, the jury will visit the three finalists to learn more about their business operations, product, market and the people who work there. The three finalists will then prepare for the finals where they will present themselves to entrepreneurial Fryslân, fans and, of course, the jury. This year’s final is in Sint-Annaparochie.